Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl Sunday

No offense, but what a waste of a whole day. I don't understand people... people who haven't been paying attention to football all season are suddenly experts and enjoy watching the game? Such bullshit. There is one plus to this terrible "american holiday", everyone is watching the game. Since everyone is at home, or someone else's home sitting on their butts, the stores are cleared out. My mom and I have made it a tradition to shop on this day for that reason. The usual 20 minute line in the "family friendly" section only takes 10 minutes :)
Also, I've decided to dislike all major sporting events because it clogs up my facebook! Honestly, I don't give a crap if you support a certain team. Most people seem to be fake fans anyways, only truly being interested at the "championship" of whatever sport they are watching.
Oh! I got a haircut today, 2 inches are gone! Slowly I will grow out my ugly dyed hair. Unfortunately, that's my only option, growing it out. I could get highlights, but they would change color because of my tricolored hair. So, sadly, I will have to grow out my hair. For the next year my hair will be ugly and multi colored. Luckily, I live in Talkeetna where lack of style isn't judged upon.
ps. I bought some Luna bars today and can't wait to try them. I'll review once I've tasted one :)

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