Monday, February 14, 2011


I get addicted to things VERY easily, which is one reason I've never done drugs. With that sad, I would like to introduce you to my new addiction...

I LOVE JUICE! I stopped drinking soda a few months ago and picked up drinking juice in it's place. I can't get enough of the stuff. The unfortunate thing is that even juice without moderation isn't necessarily good for you. Apple juice, on the norm, is 100% juice... same with orange juice. So, Damon and I only buy those two types of juice. We go through 6 frozen juice containers in about 6 days.

Enough about juice. Today I made BOMB cookies. Applesauce cookies. They were super fluffy, so fluffy in fact that they were dangerous. They made you think that eating 2 of them was the equivalent to 1 normal cookie. Lucky for me, I went skating with some of the guys today and passed all but 6 out. Good job me, there are still those 6 cookies sitting on the counter!
Speaking of guys, I miss hanging out with guys. They are fucking hilarious and don't bitch about people 24/7.
PS. Today is Valentines day. Even though I have a valentine I'd like to point out how stupid this holiday is. I don't need a day to be told that I'm love, I'd like to know every day that I'm loved. Call me selfish but that's the truth. I appreciate flowers on any day, there's no need to feel obligated. Feeling obligated ruins the whole point of a gift!

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