Sunday, February 20, 2011


I'm a big nut about my hair. I'm sure you can tell by my previous hair post that I'm obsessed with it. I'm never truly satisfied, at least not for long. I always need to change it, but that's what cool about hair. You can always change hair color and cut and know that it will grow out if you hate it. The picture you see is what I want done to my hair, highlights. I'm trying to lighten my hair, and since it's 3 colors at the moment I think that if I get highlights it'll even it all out. I want to go to a professional sometime soon and get this done before I go to Arizona. My hair lightens a LOT in the sun so I'm worried that if I go to Phoenix my hair will lighten so much the obvious colors will pop out and everyone, not just those who can see my tricolor hair will notice.
Motivation for today, highlights :)

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