Saturday, February 26, 2011


Why is it that people don't think much of kids staying in state to go to college? I feel like saying, sorry I don't have parents who can afford to spend 10+ thousand dollars on me to go to a school where I could get a degree in the same thing in AK! So lame. At first, I wasn't using my "potential" because I wasn't going to school. Now I'm planning on going to school and the question is why I'm staying in Alaska.
Unlike some children/yound adults, my mom can't afford to pay for me. At 18 I was paying for all my own shit. So why in the world would I go out of state? It's not like getting a degree in history is very prestigious, I'm not planning on being a lawyer or anything crazy. History is surrounding us and much more interesting to me then let's say biology. Anyways, I'm basically just upset because no matter what I do isn't enough for some people. I'd rather tell them to fuck themselves and mind their own business then try to explain anything to them. I like being debt free thank you very much! I also like living in a state where finding a job is relatively easy. It's going to take my years to finish school considering I'm going to have to work part/full-time in order to go to school. But in the future it'll be worth it.
My motivation for the day, people who piss me off!

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