Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ramble On

It's utterly amazing how time continues to move on forward. It seems like just yesterday I was moving to Talkeetna, afraid to move on and meet new friends. I've realized that I need to do something with my life, something that I love and will always love. History. I LOVE history! From wars, religion, art and philosophy it all amazes me. The greatest thing about history is that each day it's happening.
I want to be a history teacher. Being out of school for a few years has made me realize that people that have truly shaped me into becoming who I am today are mostly teachers. If I could, I would love to teach in Talkeetna. There is a different vibe at the high school here then in most places, it's a big family. I hate saying something so terribly cliche, but it's true. You look out for each other here, if someone is failing you rise up and help them in whatever the case may be.
How perfect would it be to teach at a place where I've been taught and where I was, in a sense, created. To raise a family in a place where freedom is an actuality, not just a right. A place where you treat your next door neighbor as a friend and can ask to borrow a cup of flour without worry.
Growing up here I hated how small it was, I hated the community feel of it all. I felt as if I could never get away. Then moving to Wasilla, I realized how ugly a place could be and my love for my home came rushing back to me. If anything, when I teach I hope to instill a deep and everlasting love for community enrichment. I hope to have at least one student fall in love with a topic that I'm teaching, have someone enjoy learning through discussion, and realize that there is more to school then textbooks and tests.
I love being raised in Talkeetna with such amazing teachers, and with such unique individuals.
Today, teachers of all trades are my motivators.

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