Sunday, November 27, 2011

144 part 2.

Ok, so I'm not surprised that I didn't lose weight, but I am that I maintained! With thanksgiving and people constantly over drinking beer and going out to eat I'm shocked I didn't gain like 5 pounds. Good news is that I'm still at 144!
On to other news... this Friday I'm going into town with Bailey to get our hair done :) we are going to miss Branden Elde, who I adore! I'm getting my hair dyed and bangs, and Bailey is getting her hair dyed and cut short. I've also decided to start tanning, I've decided this because my acne is going nuts again and when I'm tan it loves me SO no more pasty sickly Caitlin.
More thoughts... I'm buying a new sewing machine because mine hates me and is evil and I want to sew!!! I've been pinteresting like crazy and am super motivated to sew. I was in the middle of a dress when my shitty old machine died, so I'm hoping to buy it pronto.
Anywhoooooo, I'm totally done xmas shopping and it's not even December! WOOT WOOT

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