Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Summer Goal.

A new goal of mine is to be able to do the splits. I want to get more flexible in general and I figured if I set a goal for myself with a certain stretch I should be able to do it! Along with stretching everyday for 20-30 minutes I also want to add an ab workout. I believe that you can tell if someone is in shape by simply looking at their core muscles. Right now, I'm lacking in those muscles and what to do something about it. It's been a real bummer with my stupid ankle lately but I've still managed to get my butt off the couch and do some abs and today I'll be adding stretches!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Size 6.

As the snow starts to melt, and elementary students ride their bikes around east Talkeetna attempting wheelies I pulled up a pair of my size 6's. WOOHOOO! I know that numbers don't matter, but it's nice to drop a pant size. My new problem is, size 8 jeans don't fit me anymore! I recently purchased another pair of 6's but alas, they were the same exact pair as my other jeans! OOPS! Another thing, this summer I want to wear more dresses! Maybe I can also buy a pair of wedges to complete the transformation into old Caitlin's body. One thing that I love about being older and my body changing is that I've learned to love myself. My thighs are a little big, but so what! They are strong and can kick your ass if need be. I have no boobs, but I can wear one sports bra and not worry about jiggling while working out. So bring it on world!
I love the feeling I get when Alaska excepts that it's spring and decides to go with the flow. It's so beautiful.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bad Ass

Not going to lie... these woman are serious athletic beasts! If I could do this I totally would, so amazing!