Friday, March 25, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Ok, so I'm super burnt. My aunt gave me this spray on sun screen and I thought I had covered myself pretty good... unfortunately I didn't. I now have the worst sun burnt lines EVER! Luckily, I'm going back to cold Alaska and no one will see my lines besides Damon. But still, my stomach is in SO much pain. I'm a big tummy sleeper and I couldn't even do that :(
Anyways, it's been in the 80's every day since I've been here and it's supposed to stay the same until I leave! Today we are going to Sedona for some sight seeing and some shopping! Tomorrow, Damon and I have a pool date. Tuesday is more shopping and the zoo! Wednesday I'm going with my cousin to get my hair done, Thursday I think Damon and I are meeting up with Jeff Miner (a friend) to hit up Phoenix. Then Friday is our last day, and I think my cousins birthday. I love it here, aside from the strange looks from my burn. If I forgot to mention, I fell asleep outside the first day so I have a burn on one side of my face/neck. I'm on the constant lookout for snakes and scorpions, which I don't think I could do everyday! I really like it here, but I don't think I would want to live here. Too many extreme republicans!!! But on the other side, everyone does have their own pool. Here in Anthem they have a community center that has... a workout center, gym, pool, waterpark, tennis courts, volleyball courts, soccer field, lake (for catch and release fishing), and a little kiddie train. It's pretty bad ass here, when they built everything they made it so if you didn't want to you'd never have to leave the "town".

Friday, March 4, 2011


I really have nothing to say.
I'm going to Arizona on the 11th to visit my Auntie and Uncle :)